How to Reduce Pain and Avoid Invasive Procedures with Photobiomodulation

Robert was in a rodeo. Thatโ€™s exciting, isnโ€™t it?

It is, especially when everything goes according to plan. If it doesnโ€™t, the consequences can be quite dire. 

Robert wasnโ€™t one of the lucky ones. The bull threw him off and stomped on his back. As you can imagine, the pain was horrible and the damage to his spine, bones, and nerves was disastrous.

As the years progressed, the pain worsened, the nerve damage caused limitations on movement, and a whole array of health problems began.

Robert consulted doctors, and they said that the only possibility was surgery and that he had a 50/50 chance of losing his ability to walk.

Robert decided not to take the risk and started taking pain relief medication instead. He was regularly using painkillers for the following several decades.

Then, he discovered the FlexBeamm. After only a month of treatments, his condition improved dramatically. 

Robert is now almost entirely pain-free. His invasive procedure has been avoided. 

Thatโ€™s not all. Robert also has more energy.

He feels inspired to be more active and even his mood is improved. Thatโ€™s because red light therapy doesnโ€™t only repair your body – it recharges and re-energizes it as well. Robert, among many others, is living proof of this.

Low-level laser therapy at home, using a portable device for only minutes a day, is a modern way of restoring your energy levels and supporting your body in healing itself. Itโ€™s your best personal recharge option. 

Most Common Pains and Aches People Experience

According to Versus Arthritis and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, here are some of the most common pains and aches that plague both healthy people and those with chronic disorders.

Robertโ€™s story is proof that red light therapy has tremendous beneficial effects when it comes to treating injuries. The way red light therapy works depends on the damage that has been done by the injury.

Injuries can cause bone, muscle, and nerve damage among other problems. Red light therapy boosts the bodyโ€™s ability to repair the nerve damage and heal muscles and bones, but at the same time, it boosts the pain relief hormones in your body.

Neck and Back Pain

The most common causes of back and neck pain are previous injuries, muscle sprains, nerve damage, and poor posture. You may suffer from sciatica, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis but the root of these issues is similar.

There are many mechanisms by which red light therapy and photobiomodulation can help. 

Red light therapy works on two fronts to relieve back pain. First, it boosts serotonin, endorphins, and peripheral opioid levels to soothe the pain. At the same time, it helps restructure the broken tissues and helps manage nerve damage. In other words, it deals with the root cause and symptoms simultaneously.

Shoulder Pain

The causes of shoulder pain can include inflammation, damage to muscles and tendons, inflammation of a bursa and bone damage. You can track down any of these pains or aches to nerve damage, inflammation or tissue damage. Each and every one of these can be repaired by using photobiomodulation treatments. 


The American Migraine Foundation claims that there are many factors that can trigger a migraine attack. We can look for the migraine triggers in both lifestyle and medical factors. 

Medical factors, on the one hand, can involve hormonal disbalance, anxiety and mood disorders, sleep disorders, shoulder and neck tension and many more.

Red light therapy can make all the difference in your migraine treatment, by treating some of these underlying causes. Photobiomodulation is highly effective in treating neck and back pain, but also in regulating sleep patterns.

Moreover, by recharging your entire body battery, you are giving it sufficient energy to raise your wellness levels high enough that your system can buffer all the environmental triggers for migraines.

Knee Pain

Skiing, running, volleyball and pretty much every other sport played on land results in knee pain sooner or later. Sometimes, it is due to torn ligaments and other times, the meniscus is torn or worn out. A double-blinded placebo trial showed that patients who suffered from meniscus injury reported a significant decrease in pain when undergoing low-level laser therapy.

Neurogenic Pain

This is every type of pain that comes from compromised peripheral nerves. This can happen for many reasons, and one of the causes can be a symptom of diabetes.

Nerve cells have a myelin sheet that is used to speed up electrical impulses. Photobiomodulation improves the quality of those sheets by promoting myelinization.

More importantly, the regeneration of nerves is sped up when they are exposed to red light. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study showed that red light therapy even helped patients restore their sensation to a certain degree.

Pain due to IBS

The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders says โ€œThe exact cause of IBS is not known. Symptoms may result from a disturbance in the way the gut, brain, and nervous systems interact. This can cause changes in normal bowel movement and sensation.โ€ 

While the causes are not known, there is another fact at the IFGD website that is of great importance โ€œA number of research studies report a role for inflammation in the bowelโ€™s inner lining (mucosa) in IBS. This is low-grade inflammation and far less than that seen in the true inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohnโ€™s disease.โ€

Red light therapy boosts the immune system by creating a very low metabolic stress, triggering leukocytes and growing fibroblasts. This creates a powerful anti-inflammatory defense that acts to prevent inflammation in your bowels. 

Most Common Invasive Procedures People Undergo

Here are some of the most common invasive procedures and surgeries that people undergo, according to HCUP and Johns Hopkins Hospital. Also, here is how you can help yourself prevent the need for these procedures with photobiomodulation, or how to speed up the recovery.

  • Appendectomy
  • Carotid endarterectomy
  • Debridement of wound, burn, or infection
  • Low back pain surgery
  • Coronary artery bypass
  • Arthroplasty knee

An appendectomy is usually needed because of a severely infected appendix. To prevent such occurrences, you should try and prevent the infection itself. Thatโ€™s where you can use your portable photobiomodulation device to boost the immune system and promote the growth of healthy bacteria that keep the harmful ones at bay. 

Another thing you can do using photobiomodulation is to speed up your recovery time. Red light promotes new blood vessel creation and better blood flow, which leads to higher oxygenation levels. High oxygen and good blood flow mean speedy tissue repair.

Other mechanisms that boost tissue regeneration involve nitric oxide (NO) signaling release. This is a crucial phase in forming wounds and preventing infections. 

These same healing properties will help you if you are recovering from lower back surgery, carotid endarterectomy, and any sort of wounds including from surgery.

Carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass are usually necessary due to plaque buildup in your blood vessels. It is more difficult for those buildups to form when your blood circulation is strong. This is where the blood flow-boosting properties of photobiomodulation come into play.

The benefits of photobiomodulation therapy are systemic. There are hardly any conditions, illnesses, or recuperation mechanisms that wouldnโ€™t benefit from red light therapy.

This doesnโ€™t mean that everybody should drop the medical treatments prescribed by doctors. That day is still not here. What we have now is a device that raises your energy levels and helps you recharge, so you can receive optimal benefits from the effects of traditional medicine.